OpenPlant Modeler Help

Format File

Apart from the dialog settings, at the output of collected sheets by means of DetailCenter Composer there are various other parameters, too, which are important for a correct output of the program. 

These can be found in a format file (file extension *.frm), which can be specified in the settings. For more detailed information about the format file, please also refer to the chapter “DetailCenter Express“.

Important Parameters:

Area1 Drawing area where detail blocks may be inserted (have to have a valid value).
Area2 Area of the header (has to have a valid value). In this part of the drawing, no detail blocks are inserted.
ExcludeArea 1-4 Drawing areas where detail blocks mustn’t be inserted. Later, these areas may contain, for example, parts lists, company stamps or other information about the company. 

The example shows the most important areas. In addition, the meaning of the detail distance (dialog specification) is displayed as well.